Welcome to Cohort 12!

By Fogarty Edvance | February 27, 2025

Congratulations to the nine schools who have recently commenced their school improvement journey with the Fogarty EDvance School Improvement Program.

We are pleased to have a broad range of schools in Cohort 12, including primary, education support, district high, secondary, regional and metro schools.  Over the next three years, these schools will work towards building leadership capacity, enhancing school culture and introducing evidence-based teaching methods to improve student outcomes.

Our latest EDvance schools include Allanson Primary School, Amaroo Primary School, Balga Senior High School, Boyup Brook District High School, Ngaanyatjarra Lands School, Toodyay District High School, South Ballajura Primary School, South Ballajura Education Support Centre and Waggrakine Primary School.

Cohort 12 leaders bring rich knowledge from diverse contexts, and each team is committed to creating learning environments where all students can produce good results – regardless of their backgrounds.

Over the past twelve years, the Fogarty EDvance program has supported hundreds of schools in their drive to create a positive trajectory for students in low socio-economic areas.   We look forward to working with the Cohort 12 schools as they introduce and consolidate transformative initiatives.

So, a big welcome to Cohort 12! We commend you for taking bold steps towards improving learning outcomes for your students.

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