Cohort 5 Principal Lisa Ledger, wins WA Primary Principal of the Year

The Fogarty Foundation and Fogarty EDvance congratulate Lisa Ledger of Baynton West Primary School on becoming WA Primary Principal of the Year for 2019.

Lisa was recently recognised in the WA Education Awards 2019. The award recognises the exciting and significant role of principals in primary schools. As mentors and motivators, they create partnerships and work with their communities. They secure the best possible learning outcomes for their young students.

Lisa and her leadership team at Baynton West Primary School are in their second year of the EDvance program as part of Cohort 5.

Further information on the awards and the winners can be found here.

Congratulations to all the finalists and to Lisa.

Congratulations to two EDvance schools – Warriapendi Primary School and Lynwood Senior High School – that have recently been nominated as finalists in the Primary School and Secondary School of the Year categories of the WA Education Awards. Both schools have seen significant improvements in outcomes for students in their communities and we are thrilled to see their achievements and efforts recognised at state level.

Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery recently announced the finalists for the WA Education Awards 2018. The WA Education Awards are the State’s premier awards for teachers, principals, school support staff and public schools. In the Minister’s words, “The WA Education Awards are a stellar opportunity to acknowledge our inspiring teachers, outstanding principals, excellent school support staff and successful Western Australian public schools.”

This year, two schools in the Fogarty EDvance School Improvement Program have been nominated. Warriapendi Primary School, nominated as a finalist for WA Primary School of the Year, is part of Fogarty EDvance Cohort 3 (now in their final year of the 3-year program). Warriapendi Primary School has seen significant improvements in academic outcomes, particularly in relation to students’ writing. As can be seen below, Warriapendi primary students are performing above the WA State average in writing:

Further details of Warriapendi Primary School’s recent successes in academic achievement, as well as how they did it, can be found in the Fogarty EDvance 2018 Interim Report Card.

Lynwood Senior High School, part of Fogarty EDvance Cohort 4 (and nearly 2 years through the EDvance program), has been nominated as a finalist for WA Secondary School of the Year. Lynwood Senior High School’s commitment to the student voice and community feedback has seen Lynwood’s success skyrocket. In the words of Principal Geraldine Hardy, “If schools aren’t focused on well-crafted programs with caring people in place to make sure kids can get to school, feel safe at school and enjoy school, they won’t perform well.”

Associate principal Jo Willesee agreed, adding that “The changes which have led to where we are today are things like a focus on student wellbeing, introducing academically focused programs, specialist soccer program and having a focus on sustainability, so you’ve got a unifying focus for the school.

Further details on Lynwood Senior High School’s recent successes and their nomination as a finalist can be found here.

A full list of the finalists can be found here, with the winners announced on 26 November 2018.

Congratulations to all finalists and in particular, Warriapendi Primary School and Lynwood Senior High School, for all of your hard work. We wish you all the best for the finals in November.

Congratulations to the people from Fogarty EDvance Schools who were announced as winners at the WA Education Awards ceremony this week. Great schools are made by great leaders and great teachers and the kids are the winners on every occasion. Well done everyone.

Mark McClements, Challis Community Primary School – WA Beginning Teacher of the Year

After a dream career with the world-famous Arsenal Football Club, Mark McClements found his calling to become a teacher and his impact on the school has been remarkable. With limitless enthusiasm and creativity, he takes a hands-on approach to teaching. He introduced a new program to the school, Talking for Writing, which is getting results – 84 per cent of Year 3 students achieved above the national minimum standard in the 2015 NAPLAN results.

Jodie Schicker, Bungaree Primary School – WA Premier’s Primary Teacher of the Year

Jodie Schicker teaches her students that circumstance does not define who they are or what they do; it is their choices that matter in life. She inspires a curiosity in her students, sharing her love of science. Mrs Schicker supports students to succeed, encouraging them to achieve their goals and be responsible for their learning. She has also spearheaded changes to improve how students with autism move on to secondary school, and how the school and parents manage challenging behaviours.

Congratulations also go to: