Greenbushes Primary School
- Student age: Year K-6
- Number of students: 30
- WA region: South West
- Students with language background other than English: 0%
- Student Indigenous population: 0%
Greenbushes Primary is a small, rural school in the South-West of Western Australia, catering for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school is proud to offer small class sizes with highly experienced teachers, who are focused on meeting each child’s individual needs, particularly in developing literacy and numeracy skills.
As part of a tight-knit and supportive community, our students build close, life-long friendships that encourage academic, social, emotional and physical growth. A strong, collaborative partnership with the local mining industry sees Greenbushes Primary School supported in delivering programs far in excess of what might be expected of such a small school. The support of Talison Lithium has been pivotal in the school’s capacity to become involved in the Fogarty EDvance program.
Greenbushes Primary School is committed to pedagogical advancement through evidence-backed practices, in particular, through the development of a whole-school Explicit Direct Instruction model. The commitment of staff and students to continual improvement is reflected in our motto, ‘Learning for Life’.